quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2008

Wendesday, 20th February 2008

Today, I worked on putting my blog up to date, and also worked on how to improve my investigation. Me and Ms. Dietrich talked today, and she made me realise, that I really have to crack on with my work, otherwise I'll be left behind, and I might end up falling this term. So I've put out myself to work today, to finish the Investigation with every part that is requiered on it.

Thank You for opening my eyes Ms. Dietrich.

2 comentários:

rddietrich disse...

Rita, You are a great kid. Please do everything you need to do to be successful. If I can help you, let me know . . .


Ms. Dietrich

Danny disse...

Hey Rits, nice blog! Good luck with the create part of your project, I bet it will look great in the end! :)